Advertise on Design Excess
If you are a supplier of products and services for the embroidery industry, we offer you a unique opportunity. You can distribute for free our advanced software for the creation and editing of embroidery designs from your website, social networks and other media. As you realize, this free product is a game changer. Can you imagine when the whole market can get a free software? Those who participate in this project from the beginning will benefit the most. If you have any interest, fill out this form soon, as the number of distributors will be limited. The benefits for the distributor include obtaining more information from potential buyers at the lowest (or null) cost per contact, presence of the distributor name and brands every day within the product that is used by a huge number of users, promotion of the distributor products and services, etc. Free software is a very effective communication channel with the best cost-performance ratio. More information Fill in the form below and join us!